Professor Sutanu Sarkar received his Ph.D. from the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Cornell University in 1988. After 4 years as a staff scientist at ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center, he joined UCSD where he is currently the Blasker Professor of Engineering.
His honors include a NASA group achievement award (1994), Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize (2001) from the Humboldt Foundation, Fellow of the American Physical Society (2006), Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2010) and Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010).
He has been with the MAE UCSD Faculty since 1993 and served as the Chair of the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from July 2009 to June 2014.
Dr. Pham received B.S. in Bioengineering in 2003, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2007 and Ph.D in Engineering Science in 2010 at UCSD. His research centers on understanding and modeling dynamical processes in environmental systems with a focus in geophysical fluid dynamics. He is interested in identifying physical mechanisms and quantifying the associated energy pathways leading to turbulence and mixing in highly nonlinear systems where stratification and rotation influence the rate of mixing. His focus in recent years ranges from fundamental fluid mechanics such as shear instabilities and baroclinic instabilities to applied environmental flows such as turbulent mixing and heat transport in ocean surface mixed layer and at ocean fronts.
Jinyuan Liu received his Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Themophysics from Tsinghua Univerisity, China, in 2020. After working as a post-baccalaureate researcher at the same institute for six months, he joined CFD Lab in Jan. 2021. His current research focus is turbulence and vortex dynamics in stratified environments. He has also been working on turbulent boundary layers at the University of Waterloo and turbulent channels at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
Adam received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Union College in 2021. After working in the green energy sector for a year, he joined CFD Lab in Fall 2022. His research interests include stratified turbulent wakes, DNS/LES of stratified flows, and modeling dynamic processes in environmental systems.
Sanidhya received his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master's Degree in Thermal Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 2021. He joined CFD Lab in Fall 2022. His research interests include microfluidics, stratified turbulent wakes and computational fluid mechanics.
Dr. Aravind received his Bachelor's and Master's in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2017, where he continued to work on secondary instabilities in stratified shear flows as a Project Scientist for another year. He then moved to Boston in 2018, and received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University for his work on Lagrangian analyses of geophysical flows. He joined the CFD lab in Fall 2023, where his focus is on numerical modelling of geophysical wakes to support recent observational efforts in the western Pacific Ocean.
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Postdoctoral Fellow at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Postdoctoral Fellow in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at Stanford University
Postdoctoral Researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral Fellow in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics at Australia National University
Senior Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer at Science Applications International Corporation
Dr. Holger Foysi | RWTH Aachen University |
Dr. Federico Roman | University of Trieste |
Dr. Shao Liang | LMFA, Lyon |
Dr. Catherine Le Ribault | LMFA, Lyon |