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Project 1
Internal wave field during a tidal flow over a sloping topography
Turbulent field along with boundary layer flow
This movie shows the evoluation of turbulent field along with boundary layer flow
Wave steepening and counter rotating streamwise vortex
We look at Wave steepening and counter rotating streamwise vortex.
Internal tide field
Movie shows the of time evolution of spanwise averaged kinetic energy E/Ef normalized by baropropic energy amplitude Ef.
Project 2
Shear instabilities, internal waves and stratified turbulence in a continuously stratified fluid
An Equatorial Undercurrent model
Simulation of an Equatorial Undercurrent model shows the genaration of near-N oscillations and bursts of deep-cycle turbulence.
Internal tide field
Simulations of internal waves generated by a Kelvin-Helmholtz shear instability. The movie shows the time evolution of vertical fluctuating strain rate dw'/dz for three different stratification levels. The stratification level Jd increases from left to right. See Pham et al. JFM 2009 for details.
Deepening of a surface mixed layer driven by wind, surface cooling and background shear: density
Simulation of the deepening a surface mixed layer with wind stress and surface cooling into a continuously stratified region with shear.
Deepening of a surface mixed layer driven by wind, surface cooling and background shear: dissipation
Simulation of the deepening a surface mixed layer with wind stress and surface cooling into a continuously stratified region with shear.
Ejection of horseshoe vortices
Spanwise vortices associated with Kelvin-Helmholtz billows are ejected away from a shear layer and stretched into horseshoe configuration by an external jet shear. See Pham & Sarkar JFM 2010 for details.
Turbulent mixing in a stable stratifed jet
Simulation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in an unstable shear layer with Rig less than 0.25 on top of a stable jet with Rig greater than 0.25. See Pham & Sarkar JFM 2010 for details.
Isopycnal oscillations and ejection of horseshoe vortices in an EUC model
Oscillations in the isopycnals are caused by the growth of Holmboe instability at the surface mixed layer. Horseshoe vortices originated from the surface mixed layer are stretched by the EUC shear and generate localized burst of turbulence.
Project 3
The turbulent wake behind a bluff body in a stratified fluid
Vertical vorticity for a propelled wake
This movie shows the evolution of the vertical vorticity at the vertical centerplane, x3=0, in the wake of a self-propelled body
with excess momentum in a stratified fluid.
The simulation was performed using direct numerical simulation (DNS) with a Reynolds number of 25,000, a Froude number of 3, and a Prandtl number of 1.
Vertical vorticity for a propelled wake at intermediate Fr
This movie shows the evolution of the vertical vorticity at the vertical centerplane, x3=0, in the wake of a self-propelled body
with excess momentum in a stratified fluid.
The simulation was performed using direct numerical simulation (DNS) with a Reynolds number of 10,000, a Froude number of 20, and a Prandtl number of 1.
The wake behind a 2D circular cylinder
his movie shows the vorticity field behind a circular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 500. Note that this simulation is 2D and was
performed using the solver cgins in Overture which uses overlapping grids for handling complex geometry.
The simulation was performed using direct numerical simulation (DNS) with a Reynolds number of 500, no density stratification, and a Prandtl number of 1.
Internal waves visualized using horizontal divergence for a propelled wake
This image shows the horizontal divergence field, dw/dz, for a propelled vehicle with excess momentum in a stratified fluid.
The simulation was performed using direct numerical simulation (DNS) with a Reynolds number of 10,000, a Froude number of 3, and a Prandtl number of 1.